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Search results

  1. L

    Election Day

    Oh come now, how come no one started an Election Day Thread? I haven't signed on in so long, I thought someone would have. Oh well, how many of you are actually voting?
  2. L


    I'm surprised that i have not seen a thread on this issue. maybe i missed it but it is a major current event and i'm sure many of you have a say on it. So President Bush has warned Russia to pull back in Georgia. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080811/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_russia_georgia What do you...
  3. L

    Dark Knight sequel?

    yea just saw the Dark Knight, really thought it was good. I cant help but wonder if they'll make a sequel because the ending really made it seem like they will, but I haven't heard anythin about it. Also does anyone speculate that catwoman will make an appearance, after lucius fox's comment.
  4. L

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    yea zeldasages needs more excitement. to go with my super bowl thread here's one about super tuesday. wooo politics... any thoughts or predictions about tonight?
  5. L

    Super Bowl?

    Wha? No thread about the Super Bowl? I'll admit its not my favorite Super Bowl but I would have assumed someone would have already made a thread about it.
  6. L

    Tribute to the Webmaster

    Just so I know. Who here actually knows, (knowing being seen and talked to in person), Webmasterbob, our beloved webmaster to this site? This is a tribute to the webmaster and to all his hard work he has put in developing and maintaining this site.
  7. L

    Sup Everyone

    Yes I don't know if this is the right place to talk about myself, but whatever. I made an accound about a year ago and never came on ZeldaSages. I am fuflilling a promise I made to webmasterbob by coming onto this site. So if anyone would be kind enough to show me around the site and tell me...