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Currently listening to?

I'm going to be the epic cool guy and unlock the thread, just because I'm that awesome...

Yea, continue. If this gets really spammy (like you post immediately after yourself and things of the sort) then we'll bring down the hammer.
I don't condone the use of "epic" in this situation but you made the right choice.

Come As You Are by Nirvana.
If You Want To Die in Be from Miss Saigon
Look Andrew an explanation! One of my favorite musicals of all time. The music is fantasmical!
"Always Where I Need to Be" - the Kooks

why now?? I LOVE BRITISH MUSIC!! My friend is British and I borrowed the CD from him and I love it!! British music is so awesome because the artists can say all the same profane, disturbing stuff as American artists but it's better and it sounds polite anyway because of the accents.
"Freedom Song" by Friday Mourning

know why? because I love this song, silly heads!! it's so awesome. it makes me want to light fireworks. or put on a powdered wig and paddle a boat across the Delaware River. Ah, yes. It's lovely.
Blue by eiffel 65

im blue da ba dee da ba die.....
C'mon man, it's "If I'm green I will die." :p

Fate of the Unknown from the Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Original Soundtrack.

I just love this piece, it makes me very happy when I listen to it. Today's been a pretty decent day, so it just complements the mood of right now well.
C'mon man, it's "If I'm green I will die." :p

Fate of the Unknown from the Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Original Soundtrack.

I just love this piece, it makes me very happy when I listen to it. Today's been a pretty decent day, so it just complements the mood of right now well.

its either or

a hunting song by korpiklaani
Agony from Into The woods

1. Love Sondheim
2. This songs hilarious
3. Getting used to the idea of doing this next year
4. It's acually a good show
Don't Know Why.. don't know the artist.. but we're singing this in Show Choir and it is stuck in my head o.o ALL I SING IS DOOO!

yoyolll, if you would care to notice the lack of your posts? Everyone else is adding at least a sentence to their music. You aren't! Therefore, I'm deleting them -.-
I'm on a Boat by the Lonely Island fet. T-Pain

haha. this song is amazing xD. absolutley no point; its a perfect parody of hip hop/rap :D
My dad complaining to some lady from some electronic store on the phone.

He had bought a digital picture frame and it broke after it was in use for 2 hours so he brought it back and exchanged it for another one. That one broke, too. So now we're on number three and it's working quite well although we expect it to begin malfunctioning fairly soon.
Back in Black by AC/DC

Some day (like next summer) this song will be a sort of them song for me. Mainly because my Jeep is black, and I will be back driving in it. Sounds lame, I know, but I've become attached to it.