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The Enlightenment Thread... 2!!!

Human employment will defintely go down because if a robot can learn the same actions after just a few tries, why risk human error?
I think there will be robots like in star wars or star trek, of all kinds, each country will have there own models, and they will be fighting each other.
There's probably something out there but 50 years is a little too soon. Fifty years ago people thought we'd have hovering cars and be colonies in space by now.
i think robots will be like Bender. jolly creepy mean sarcastic turtle like creatures who think beer is a food group
Artificial intelligence wıll be the downfall of mankind. If computers can think for themselves why would they let us be their masters? With AI, programming will be unreliable and machines wıll take over. Look how dependent we are already, if true AI ıs created and machines can think for themselves we will be overcome. Hasn't anyone taken a lesson from the Matrix, or even earlier from Space Odyssey? Our little inferıor helpers wıll be our downfall and unfortunately there's almost no way to stop it from happenıng. The questıon is when.
i agree with yoyoll. people will be extremely lazy, and music will be a thing of the past. and if theres a point in time when robots revolt, were all SCREWED!!!!!
That is true. What if computers revolt and we cant use the internet!!!!!!!! or our phones drop our calls!!!! or our i pods whip us with there head phones!!!!!!
That is true. What if computers revolt and we cant use the internet!!!!!!!! or our phones drop our calls!!!! or our i pods whip us with there head phones!!!!!!
'What do you want from us?!'
'Nothıng, we just lıke whıppıng!'

The Sımpsons
Artificial intelligence wıll be the downfall of mankind. If computers can think for themselves why would they let us be their masters? With AI, programming will be unreliable and machines wıll take over. Look how dependent we are already, if true AI ıs created and machines can think for themselves we will be overcome. Hasn't anyone taken a lesson from the Matrix, or even earlier from Space Odyssey? Our little inferıor helpers wıll be our downfall and unfortunately there's almost no way to stop it from happenıng. The questıon is when.

Also there's Irobot. (I love that movie.)

That's ten posts. Topic change time. If you could persue any job of your choice, what would it be and why?
Also there's Irobot. (I love that movie.)

That's ten posts. Topic change time. If you could persue any job of your choice, what would it be and why?
Making Video Games, of course.

Either that, or

I put in my application for that, but aparently the job's taken.
either work at a comicbook shop, or design RPGs and boardames. not videogame RPG but paper and pencil and dice RPGs.
Guitarist for awesome 70s band working alongside a front-man singer, keyboardist with big oddly shaped sunglasses, a black bassist, and a badass drummer who actually knew how to keep time. And maybe another, less talented guitarist.

But seeing as that's just a teenage dream, I'd like to be a doctor so I can make Cyanide & Happiness jokes.

(Check the album in my profile)