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The Enlightenment Thread... 2!!!

who is Ian Gillan?

20 characters
Ian Gillan (born 19 August 1945 in Hounslow, London), is an English rock music vocalist best known as the lead singer for Deep Purple. During his career Gillan had a year-long stint as the vocalist for Black Sabbath and sang the role of Jesus Christ in the original recording of Andrew Lloyd Webber's rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. Gillan is considered to be one of the foremost rock vocalists, who introduced into rock music the vocal belting technique. In his prime he possessed a very wide vocal range. His work with Deep Purple is particularly recognisable for its occasional high-pitched screams and falsettos.
Have you ever heard him scream? It's amazing, neither a man nor a woman should be able to do that.
Mashed potatoes.

Like my new choice of topic? Rather predictable, wasn't it? I know it's an obsession. I really need a new one, though.
what kind of topic.... personally i like the topic of mashed potato. I mean the ever going argument over which is better- lumps or no lumps- is completely RIVETING!
I like my potatoes mashed or else in the form of french fries. What I really hate though is when my school cafeteria insists on raising the prices to ridiculous amounts and I refuse to pay that much for a lousy scoop of fairly lousy potatoes.
i am not a big fan of mash potatoes. i will only eat em one in a while when there creamy and with gravy!!! but i like potato dumplings.
spuds, mate!

bleh... I don't like garlic. It's deadly. I think the really creamy mashed potatoes are my top choice. Tater tots and hash browns aren't too bad either. But I think Latkes are the best thing in that category.

Isn't conversation about spuds truly something?