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Recent content by goboman11

  1. G

    Does belief in evolution contradict a belief in God?

    I've said it once and I'll say it again, God is the answer to why and not how. There are people who believe the Adam and Eve creation story is really just a symbolic story to explain humankind's distance from God and sin entering our world and how sin grows as the world goes on (their decrease...
  2. G


    I cant wait to see this movie. I remember watching transformers when I was younger. Gotta love giant destructive robots!
  3. G

    Kaepora Gaebora

    Wait, if the ballad of the windfish is in MM in an alternate universe, does that mean that LA (the game that the song is originally from) take place in an alternate universe to?
  4. G

    Kaepora Gaebora

    If you watch the credits at the end of LA you see a sihoutte of the windfish fly overhead while Link is awake. This means he really does exist. My theory is that he is some kind of god of dreams.
  5. G


    Good luck. What are you singing?
  6. G

    What's love got to do with it?

    This idea for a thread came from two inspirations. First, a new member has said something once or twice about an ex-boyfriend. So I thought it appropriate to start a thread for that kind of topic. Second, yesterday my story happened and I wanted to get it off my chest so I could stop dwelling...
  7. G

    Make Another Story

    goboman grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. 'Dont do anything stupid!' he yelled. Bob came back from the bathroom and called for order. 'Alright now look here, apparently we all had some weird dream last night right?' he said. 'More like a nightmare' Windmage mumbled. 'Well...
  8. G

    Favorite Forum

    My top five are: chat general discussion zelda 101 movies/music/books nintendo
  9. G

    Xelda1800: Fact or fiction?

    Well she could be someone we know in person, but we just dont know we know them. Anyway I too wish to point out that I never said anything bad about her. I do have a question though. Because you seem to like net speak, is my theory of you being a huge text messenger correct?
  10. G

    Tribute to the Webmaster

    I've met webmaster thrice in person. 1. Jambo 2. NYLT 3. football game between our schools We also talk sometimes online.
  11. G

    Xelda1800: Fact or fiction?

    Are we allowed to discuss a member of the community like this? And she hasn't even retaliated to what people are saying here? Ps. I'm not Xelda1800
  12. G


    I don't believe that 2012 stuff. If the Mayans could predict what would happen, then why didn't they predict the end of their civilization (stupid Montezuma!). But I have led a good life. If I must die in 2012, than Im glad the rest of you are going down with me. As for the Bible code, the...
  13. G


    I kind of disagree with you. Even though todays music (with exceptions) is not as good as the classical, it shows that the arts, just like everything else in the world, have evolved through time in order to survive and adapt to the culture of the human race which is ever changing. That being...
  14. G

    Kaepora Gaebora

    I think he is a messenger of the Windfish. Maybe when Link was running around in OoT, The Windfish up in heaven(or whatever) sent him to help. Vey bad help, but still help nontheless.
  15. G


    I cant do their hairsryle. its to hard for me. but i still love. i just think it looks better in anime than it would in real life.