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Recent content by Magicman

  1. M


    That has to be the funniest one here. G.W. Bush. LOL
  2. M

    Happy Birthday

    I don't know who sample is either but happy birthday sample
  3. M


    These jokes are really funny. I can tell that you can school of anyone around. Thats deep.
  4. M

    I made fan media

    I just put it on my ipod's and are plying it right now. It sounds so good
  5. M

    Naruto the movie deserves a rating of 9 stars out of 10

    i heard naruto was good. I never saw it. Maybe ill start watching
  6. M

    $600!!! Ps3??

    The wii rellly is a lot better because of all the stuff that you can do on it. LOL
  7. M

    Wii Channel Ideas

    Maybe then you can download the movies onto the wii. That way you can watch 'em over and over again.
  8. M

    Wii Channel Ideas

    How about a wii web camera channel where you can have web chats with other people
  9. M


    Yo mama so fat that when she put on a red shirt everyone started yelling GO KOLAID GO KOLAID GO!!!!!!!!! During Vietnom the japanese and koreans just came and killed us and then we fought back. They now know that the physical attack is not working for them. Now they use mental warfare. For...
  10. M

    I made fan media

    This is really cool. I have just played it and think it is neat.
  11. M

    Music Ideas

    I feel the same way about the music.
  12. M

    KH2 Avatar for me

    What about the key sword
  13. M


    YO mama's so fat that when she walked in the hotel, the hotel manager said, "you can't stay here. I am not sure if we have Earth Quake Insurance"
  14. M

    Pics Of My 360!!!

    I think the 360 works better as a tissue box then as a game system. LOL
  15. M

    Fanfiction: Insurrection of Evil

    That's a lot of typeing but overall that's really Good. Whats' the next chapter?