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  1. D

    Don't kill me for making this. Please?

    As part of the "College Girls who love ourselves enough to admit that we are lame sometimes" cult, Twilight is fun. And I listen to Hannah Montana's music sometimes. And that's okay. Yeah, confessions.
  2. D

    Extremely Controversial the impending war with Russia

    The negitions are failing? I hate it when that happens...
  3. D

    "bucket lists"

    <3 Thank you for your rant. I second everything you just said. Would have said it myself, but was just a teeny bit too angry to be civil...
  4. D

    Extremely Controversial end of democracy

    Huh. So basically you're saying that it would make sense to allow children who were born into poverty to live on the streets so you can build your horse a nice, cozy place to live. Excuse the fact that I have absolutely no sympathy for any of your horse stats. Maybe you'll understand this...
  5. D

    Extremely Controversial Gay Marriage

    Cough. So, all of the infertile women in the world cannot have sex with their husbands. Women who have reached menopause can no longer have sex with their husbands. Men who are infertile cannot have sex with their wives. I highly doubt that your religion proposes these things...
  6. D

    Extremely Controversial end of democracy

    I think that what you are trying to say is that government regulation is causing our country to fall into communist hands. That's cute. I could just as easily argue that fascism is overtaking our country, as wire-tapping of civilians and lawless enterprises like Guantanamo bay fly in the face...
  7. D

    "bucket lists"

    Good thread!! -Visit Panama -Conquer fear of spiders (preferably before visiting Panama) -Get married to someone brilliant, eccentric, cat-loving, creative, mathematical, grateful, thoughtful, faithful, spiritual...(this is actually its own list) -Change someone's life -Change many people's...
  8. D

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Re: The American Political Madrun Wow you are a genius. I'm in awe. Your ideas are completely original and not at all disproved by history. And "Liberal parties" is a statement with a clear and real meaning, not something nonsensical that you just made up.
  9. D

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Re: Super Tuesday Your statements aren't even rational enough to be debated. And I don't see how calling millions of people "******* scumbag animals" doesn't constitute a racist attack, honestly.
  10. D

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Re: Super Tuesday Don't. Call. People. Animals. Ever. Especially not people who came into this country to get a better life for their families, illegally or not. I can't even believe that racists like you are still even IN our country, let alone voicing their opinions without shame.
  11. D

    Electoral Compass: Discover Your Position

    Hmm, mine said I was closest to Clinton. But I'm not, really. There are definitely limitations to a test like that.
  12. D

    "Half of 26-year-old's memories Nintendo-related"

    http://www.theonion.com/content/news/half_of_26_year_olds_memories :)
  13. D

    Serial Killers

    Considering that you used a linking verb to connect yourselves, my statement could go either way. And necessarily both ways, in fact.
  14. D

    Serial Killers

    ...why would you even post this? What a psycho.
  15. D

    Political Correctness

    UMM yes, but "politics" and "political correctness" are completely different. "political correctness" refers to language and etymology. "politics" refers to government policy and related topics Someone close this thread, please...
  16. D

    Political Correctness

    Definitions of political correctness: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=RNWE,RNWE:2004-52,RNWE:en&defl=en&q=define:Politically+correct&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title AKA not global warming...........
  17. D


    Higher education is different for a ton of reasons. The individual pays for their own education, and chooses what they want to study. In a public school system, the curriculum is standardized and paid for completely by taxpayers.
  18. D

    Political Correctness

    Anyway, a little-talked-about part of American history is how Columbus enslaved and slaughtered tons of Native Americans, to "update" the country. At least Germany fesses up to its genocide...
  19. D

    Political Correctness

    Yeah, Columbus discovered America. Because "Indians" weren't here already..... Only white people are people, right?
  20. D

    Political Correctness

    Words that are applicable, though not politically correct: crackpot, retard, neonazi, douchbag, moron, etc. Trust me, political correctness is there to protect you, courtesy of us commie liberals.