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Official Riddle Thread!

Indeed Versac's works, but aren't we trying to "keep it clean"? I don't think Bob would appreciate such talk on his forums;)
Awww.......doesn't gift work anyway? They have to take it from where they buy it, and then they give it to you, AFTER THEY TOOK IT!!!
Break evey clock in the world. Sience everything is relative, if nobody knew what time it was, there would be effectively no time.
Close, but no

Well, yes considering the real answer, so yes, it's correct, just it's the 2nd part of the answer, but there is important info to be known before you can say that
Sorry for the double post....... The answer to the time one is:

Time doesn't exist except as a measurement of a certain length of something. Since it doesn't exist, you can't destroy it.:D But Versac's right too.

Another riddle now. A girl goes to her mother's funeral all sad, but cheers up when she sees a "hot guy". She fails to get his phone # or name though. 2 days later, she kills her sister. Why?
Why would the "hot guy" be at the funeral? What was his relation to the recently deceased? The key lies in that question's answer.